Friday, June 28, 2024

The Corner Piece of Life

I've been experiencing the "corner piece of life" the last few days. I was somewhat joking during golf Sunday that it was my birthday WEEK. And I (or others) have found reasons to celebrate each day.

I couldn't believe that I was with my team all day Wednesday and we got back late from the Brewers game that they'd somehow found time to decorate my desk by the time I showed up at 7:30 a.m. yesterday. But they did it. With the help of some "Birthday Fairies for Hire" that is. I have the best co-workers. 

And that big frosting-ed corner piece of cake for breakfast was delicious. Put me in a sweet frame of mind for the day.

Then when I got to golf league last night, our opponents for the week – who happen to be friends of mine – surprised me with a balloon for my pull cart and tiara that fit nicely over my new golf hat! Fun, fun! Plus even had my first "par dance" of the season and my lowest score. Happy birthday to me!

Of course, today is my actual birthday. Who I share with my lovely twin Raylene. We're both celebrating separately. But we're hoping to connect some weekend soon!

I actually worked for a half day. Then had lunch with my friend Jenny and her cousin Melissa – who is also my friend and co-worker.

When I asked the waitress to take our picture for my birthday, she came out with a big slice of chocolate cake to take home with my to-go box. Not gonna lie, I love being spoiled!

A big treat tonight was Carter coming up to help his momma celebrate. We enjoyed a big, tasty dinner at El Mezcal then were all so full, we figured we'd play cards until we weren't. I thought maybe they'd let the birthday girl win.

But with hands like this, Carter won the first game and Jim won the second. I'm going with "I didn't lose, I just regifted my birthday wins to them."

Probably the greatest gift though...

After 91 days (aka 13 weeks), my sister Rachel was the released from the hospital and headed home! Of course, she's not all fixed up and ready to take on the world. But she's made great progress and is ready to take the next big step – in the familiar surroundings of her own house. Praise the Lord!

Pretty sure this is a good sign that he's still listening to our prayers so we can all enjoy a little "corner piece" of life this week, right? 

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