Monday, June 3, 2024

Rainy Days and Mondays...

According to The Carpenters (a brother-sister duo from the '70s for you young-uns), Rainy Days and Mondays Always Get Me Down.

But even though we got less than an inch and had lots of thunder all day, I can rejoice in the fact we didn't lose power or internet connection. Oh how our priorities have changed.

I was very thankful that this gorgeous flowering plant from co-workers was doing good!

In fact, I was quite nervous to set it outside since we'd had some drought days, too.

Then there were my hanging flower baskets that were ripped to shreds thanks to hail.They were working harder on a Monday than I was to recover and move forward!

I'll keep praying we have enough intermittent days of rain and sunshine to fully recover.

Then there are the natural honeysuckle flowers that keep popping up in my rock garden. As a kid, we'd find these and eat the tips (on the top in this photo). Not sure if they were super amazing, but it was a thing we did. I guess if I get hungry, I'll head to our front yard.

In the mean time, find the rainbow on a rainy Monday. Or anything positive to get you through the week!

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