Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Some Bunny Loves You

Hubby texted me this backyard photo today and my first thought was, "Awww, some bunny loves us!" We can think that way because we don't have a garden and concerns he will nibble through it.

Instead, when Jim sent me the second picture, I thought, "Is there anyway you can order it to eat through those weeds he's trying to see over?"

No such luck. But I appreciated the cute photos.

Especially this week. Good grief, is it only Tuesday night? This has been a very stressful few days for reasons I can't blog about – for fear of offending the people who are contributing to my stress. But, I'm learning life lessons in patience. And learning that there's always some bunny out there who loves me.

Just need to focus on loving myself and trying to be the best version of Robyn that I can. And try to be that some bunny who makes someone's day brighter. Just like our little visitor.

May you all find positives in negative situations this week. Some bunny's got your back. And some bunny (this bunny) cares!

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