Sunday, June 2, 2024

Cause for Celebration

We put on quite a few miles this weekend but there was much cause for celebration everywhere we went.

Saturday morning, Jim and I were on the road to St. Paul by 8 a.m. to visit my sister Rachel. Poor girl was ecstatic to move from surgical care to the rehab/transitional care unit but we were all with Mom and only a few of us could celebrate the milestone with her – and give her a hug of sympathy, too.

She was doing good. Gaining strength and able to do a few things on her own. Granted, she can't use her left arm and hand much or even put weight on her left leg until August. Still, the therapists are working with her to gain some independence.

Never ever will I take for granted again that I can wake up, hop out of bed, use the toilet, take a shower, and brush my teeth. All things she must navigate right now with her right arm, hand, leg and foot. She's in good spirits, but can definitely use continuous prayers for physical, emotional, and spiritual strength!

We made it back home in time yesterday to attend the dinner and dance for this sweet couple – Nathan and Abigail! Not my photo but all of us "locals" know that making "The Rock" is pretty cool. I think it's been painted over no less than 600 times. Good thing it resides on the property of the groom's dad!

Had a super time dancing the night away at the Grand Rapids Lions Club shelter. Yep, all 350+ of us fit in there! It was fun and not super late. But just late enough that after the 6+ hours of traveling before the wedding, I was too exhausted to blog.

Today was more cause for celebration. 

After church – which included a tear-jerk How Great Thou Art – we went to a graduation down the road and then another at Rooted in Red for 6 Assumption girls. Perfect sunny and 70-degree weather for these parties.

We did stop home and get separate cars to go to Couples Golf League meeting at TriCity. Then hubby headed to his dad's and I went to grad party for a kiddo from my church that I took senior pictures of last year. 

Home now. It is too early to go to bed at 7 p.m. after a long weekend? Probably! I can relax awhile since the sermon today was about rest on the Sabbath. But really, if there are lots of things going on and I'm NOT IN CHARGE, that's rest!

Hope you find moments to both rest and celebrate this week!

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