Friday, August 2, 2024

A Reluctant Hello to August

I say this every year, but this time I really mean it. How is it already August? And where did my summer go? So insane. 

I has definitely felt like summer all week. So hot. And usually I like hot. But it's been crazy humid and has created some crazy weather.

Caught this picture on the way to work yesterday. Was raining but I could see the sunrise around the bend. Maybe we can get out of our own rain storms and find some peace around the bend. Neat concept. 

Then yesterday afternoon and evening, it stormed so much, they actually canceled our Ladies Golf League. We got an inch of rain here. But as you can see from my dry and crispy flower basket in the background, that wasn't nearly enough.

Today was about 90 degrees and we had already purchased tickets to a Wisconsin Rapids Rafters baseball game. A group of folks from the church in Rudolph where Jim sings was going and we sat up in the elevated "Rat Trap." Thankfully the game was after 6 p.m. and we got some shade from the stadium. Whew. It still was so hot and humid. But we got free food and drink the whole time, so I think we all coped.

Their mascot Roscoe the Rat was trying help Jim text. Kids these days and their phones!

He was gracious enough to take a "nice" photo with me too. Well almost nice.

He must have been roasting in that costume! Uff da!

And to keep the streak alive, I managed to spot a pretty sunset on the backside of Witter Field. These gorgeous colors this week are probably caused by wildfire smoke from somewhere. But my camera still loves them.

Wishing you all a safe and cool weekend. Stay hydrated and let's try to embrace this August thing!

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