Sunday, August 25, 2024

This Heat is for the Birds

Late this morning I had a few photo places to scout out for a shoot tonight. I have my "usuals" but when a girl wants flowers, I had to take an area tour. The downtown park flowers aren't looking pretty with this hot weather. And the sunflowers are now past their prime. But guess who still has flowers? Our city zoo!

And when I got there, only the cocky peacock seemed oblivious to the heat. 

And darned if those flowers weren't in survival mode! Hurray!

Later, as the photo shoot approached, I figured we'd all be melting. Then I realized the chick on this app is wearing a long coat when it's 88 degrees and "feels like 95," so what does she know anyway?

And Laura was a tough super model. She handled the heat with poise. Must come from so much of her life in the heat – and on the water as a skier for my Shermalot team!

Which is a good thing, because we ended out evening in a lake. I mean that literally. Since she was standing in the water, I figured I'd joined her. Ooooh, that was pleasant when it was still 83 degrees at 8 p.m.

I just feel blessed that was the only thing I HAD to do.

You know I love the sun and warmth. But after yesterday's nearly 6-hour marathon in the sun, I needed a break. Maybe this heat really is for the birds.

Just not every Robyn bird. 

Be careful out there this week!

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