Monday, August 19, 2024

Cursing, er Golfing, for a Cause

It's not a bad Monday morning at work when you're hanging out with the CEO. On the first tee that is.

Thankfully, he's a good golfer, too, and we could use his drive on the first hole, too. For a good cause.

Today was our second day of golf outings to support the United Way (plus we'll have 2 weeks of activities in September). Last Wednesday and today. But today was like, hey, it's MONDAY, what else would you rather be doing??

Our foursome was our usual golf league foursome of marketing co-workers Tom, Patrick, Lisa, and me. Since we knew we had notchance of winning versus those 18 under par types, we could curse our bad drives/putts and just had fun!

On a few holes we could "pay a pro" to get close to the hole. I mean, they are pretty good! That included our famous Flower Hole at SentryWorld. We were fortunate to play it in it's prime bloom!

Plus, we birdied it, so that added even more to the beauty!

I pretty much couldn't stop taking pictures of the flowers. But we did get through the last 2 holes – and finish 6 under par. Great for us!!

The only downside was that we had to return to actual work the rest of the day. For a good cause, right?

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