Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Taylor Trifle Tuesday

Sometimes, when you have a major Swiftie birthday girlfriend in your life and it's a milestone at that, you have to pull out all the stops.

So while I was out of the office for my mom's memorial service, my fellow birthday fairies at work did some major work for the big 3-0.

As a result, our friend MS (can't say her real name now that I revealed she's 30) was totally surprised! And yes, that flag says Save America Again!

For my part, I printed out a few of my "birthday era" signs to hang around the office. Yes, I do know a few TS songs, but have no idea what this "era" thing is all about. So I did what I do best in these situations.

I made a trifle! Actually it's been quite some time since I brought one to work so it was well-received. In fact, when Jim asked me mid-afternoon how much was left, my response was this...

Sorry, Jim. Desperate times (without trifles) mean desperate measures. But now that some stressful components in my life are gone, maybe I can do a little more on the make others happy front.

Hold me to it! And stay tuned.

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