Monday, August 27, 2007

Busy bees :: Epilogue

My hubby pointed out I was remiss in my duties to add the one LIGHT component to the "bee attack" story.

When we heard the screaming and we were running through our yard and the neighbor's yard, my eyes were on Carter -- nothing else. I didn't know until I got to him that I had charged barefoot right through a pile of dog poop!

When we got Carter's clothes off and he was running to the house, Jim looked at me like he was wondering why I was standing there and not running after Carter. "Sorry! I have flippin' dog poop on my foot!" (Only I didn't say "flippin'" or "poop.")

I guess I don't handle stress very well. Sorry for yelling at you, honey. I was angry at those stinkin' bees, not you. Oh wait, I was the one who was stinkin'...


Rayna Delaney said...

You are so funny! Laughed til I got tears in my eyes because I can just hear you say that. My dear sister, it's stress that you handle well, it's just that shit happens sometimes!

Robyn Austin said...

Amen, Sister!

Anonymous said...

I read all 3 blogs today, what an awful ordeal for all of you to go thru. It will probably take along time for those kids and Carter's "wounds" to heal - I can't believe Carter agreed to eat outside on Sunday! What a trooper! And Robyn you are quite a "pooper", oh, I mean trooper, too!! Way to hang in there and be a great Mom to Carter. Take care and "bee" careful - Luv ya, Romey