Friday, August 17, 2007

A word of advice

I had to chuckle when I was reading my sister Rayna's blog this week. She was talking about her innate ability to stick her nose in other people's business ... with good intentions, of course.

I believe it's a typical trait in the oldest child to feel responsible for the happiness of her siblings. First borns are natural leaders, high achievers and they like to be in control.

I've mentioned before that I call Rayna my "upstairs mother." Not because she is bossy but because I value her wisdom and guidance. She has experienced a lot -- good and bad -- and if she can tell me, the youngest child, something that will prevent me from making some of the poor choices she made, I am listening!

In what I call "the secret life of Robyn Austin," there are people who look to be me for advice, too, because of some of my personal tribulations and triumphs. Like my sister, I want to help these people. I don't want them to make the same mistakes I made or experience the pain I've had to endure.

What I've learned is that I can't make them do anything. I can't save their lives. I can only help them save themselves. And I can only do that by "walking the walk," as they say. I can spout off all the wisdom in the world but it has no credibility unless my actions speak louder than words.

I must confess I don't always do that. I've been a great cheerleader lately for some loved ones trying to lose weight and make healthy choices. I sit at my desk eating a brownie or some other treat while emailing them to "keep up the good work!"

No wonder I am getting nowhere. I need to light a fire under my own ass, quit "talking the talk" and start "walking the walk!" Actually walking would be a great place to start! My twin, Raylene, has agreed to be my "fire-starter," so to speak, and help keep me on task. This is a good thing -- because sometimes when I walk down a path alone I get lost.


Anonymous said...

One of the things I've always admired about you is your honesty. Your blogs are chalk full of that honesty, and it's one of the things that prompts me to ask for and really listen to your advice.
So rock on grrl!

Rayna Delaney said...


Maybe we need to email each other, those of us on this exercise thing, so that we can be accountable to each other. Rayna