Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Serenity now!

It's been a pretty dry summer. Our lawn is patchy with 6-inch weeds some places and brown spots in others. In Door County this weekend, there was a campfire ban on the island and one of the golf courses had places where I hit off of dirt.

I'm experiencing a different kind of drought, too. My "well" of patience and tolerance has run dry!

It's just been one of those weeks where I want the world to grow up, act its age, be responsible, care, share, give back. It's such a small request, isn't it?

I've had a discouraging few days where in my "service" work, I am running into people who don't want to volunteer (always the same people doing all the work) and in my "work" work, I am running into people who don't want to work (always the same people doing all the work).

I guess the frustrating part is that I am one of those "same people." I am reminded that I don't have to be. I don't have to say "yes" to every opportunity. But I think if I am responsible and capable at this point in my life, I should say yes. I should help. I should give back.

What I also have to remind myself is that others are better at saying "no." And I can't change that ... or them.

Have you heard of the Serenity Prayer? "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

I say that prayer every day. Partly because I am a manager, partly because I am a mother, partly because I am a wife, and mainly because I'm human. My shortened version of the prayer is: "Serenity now!" (I got that one from Seinfeld and I love it.)

I do feel better when I say it/think it. I know I cannot change anyone. I can only change how I react to them. Just writing about it now is helping me. I am in a better place already.

I still may need to do a rain dance so I can fill up my well of patience and tolerance. I should also top off my wells of gratitude, unselfishness, commitment ... thankfully (for everyone who has to "deal" with me lately) I see clouds on the horizon.

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