Thursday, August 30, 2007

So long, summer!

We always say "summer went too fast!" And I can't argue with that. I love summer. I love the heat and sunshine. I want it to go slowly so I can enjoy it. But once again, it seems like it's over before it started and I wonder where the time flew and what I did with it.

Technically, summer is still here until Sept. 23. For most of us, though, Labor Day weekend signals the end of the season. We adults get a long weekend and the kids know summer vacation is officially over!

Here are some sure signs summer is over:

Goodbye summer sun: Woke up this morning and it was 46 degrees! I kid you not. Only in Wisconsin are we sweating our keesters off one day and want to crank the heat the next. Carter comes out of his room wearing long sleeves and long pants. I had to convince him to take along a t-shirt and shorts to Kidz Camp because it's not going to stay in the 40s all day. (At least I hope not!)

Goodbye Iola friends: Speaking of Kidz Camp, today is Carter's last day since Jim and I have tomorrow (Friday) off. He's going to miss his Iola friends and can't wait to get back there next summer. I'll miss having Carter close by -- and along for our commute. I'm guessing he learned a few adult things this summer he really didn't need to while listening to Bob and Tom in the morning and Mom and Dad (and their work "discussions") at night!

Hello new friends: There was an open house at Grant Elementary yesterday. Carter got to meet his new 4th-grade teacher and was excited to see some of his friends are in his class this year. Carter's age group is so big that they have always been divided into 3 classes of 20+ kids. As a result, his closest buddies one year aren't always in his class the next. This year's class includes a good friend from Sunday School and a girl (who I won't name) who has kissed him twice before (that's the first thing he said yesterday when we got home!). Should be an interesting year!

Hello football: You know it's the end of summer when our favorite baseball teams (Twins and Reds) are out of the playoff chase and the Vikings have their season opener in 10 days! Between now and then comes the crucial Fantasy Football draft where the Sand Wedgies (managed mainly by GM Jim but supported by VP Robyn) hope to take back the championship in the Rumblin' Rapids Football Federation! Gotta love football!

Hello soccer (the other football): Carter starts soccer practice tonight and will be playing most Saturdays in September and October -- if you're looking for something to do! He's quite the kicker!! Of course, we just like to have him stay active and not turn into a GameBoy-playing TV-watching couch potato. When we mentioned that this morning, he said, "Well it's not like I'm going to turn fat that fast. It will just happen gradually!"

Ahh, summer. I will miss you. But it looks like there will be some fall fun to be had -- whether we're ready for it or not!

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