Thursday, August 9, 2007

Loving Sister

I have a Sisters Calendar I keep at my desk. It's one of those stand-up ones you can use year after year -- and I do. There's always something inspirational or sassy to remind me of my 6 sisters. Today's quote from Margaret Mead made me smile:

"Sisters is probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship."

This fits Raylene and me to a T.

As twins, there was an ideal time in our childhood when it was wonderful to always have a playmate. Although we may have been billed as twice as much work, my mom probably enjoyed the fact that we each had someone to play with and pester -- rather than her.

At some point, though, we had our fill of each other. When we attended a country school from first through fourth grade we were the only girls in our 6-member class. (Sounds like great odds, doesn't it?) When we went into town to school in fifth grade, for the first time, we were not in the same classroom. Our world opened up to meeting other girls and forming new friendships. We never looked back.

Bring on sibling rivalry! Being typical selfish and spiteful teen girls, we really avoided each other at all costs. Or fought. As the babies in the family, it was great when everyone had moved on and out of the house and we finally each had our own room. We could still fight though.

Mom would yell at us if she heard us arguing so we came up with a secret code. If we called each other "Loving Sister!" it most definitely stood for something else!

After high school, when we had our very own lives again, there came a time when we really did grow up -- it's amazing how that happens -- and we found our way back into each other's lives ... on purpose! Thank God.

There's been a lot of tough, trying times we've both had to endure in our adult years and I couldn't have survived it all without her undying, nonjudgmental support. We've both had our share of battles, but thankfully they are no longer with each other.

Margaret Mead is right. Sisterhood can become "the strongest relationship." Now when we sign each other's birthday and Christmas cards, "Loving Sister," we really mean it!

Thanks, Loving Sister!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Loving Sister!!! That was very nice of you. Ditto on all that you said. We have had our battles as children with each other and with others and other "things" as adults. But, thankfully we have each other. We still may not always talk or see each other, being so far apart, but I always know that you are there. And our sisters can vouch for it that we always seem to "pull off" another great opening act at our sister's weekend a.k.a. Wild Women's Weekend. thanks for all that you do for me and my family.
Your Loving Sister, Raylene