Monday, December 3, 2007


Do you believe in magic? I'm not so sure I still do. At some point I became disillusioned with the illusionists -- sort of like when we discoverd there was no Santa Claus or learned All-Star Wrestling was fake. (Did I write that?)

Tonight we took Carter to a magic show. The grade school kids in the area got free tickets to the event, sponsored by a reputable state organization. The free tickets were the first illusion of the night. Sure the kids got in free, but they were charging the parents 10 bucks a pop to join them. I decided Jim and I better enjoy the heck out this show!

And I tried. I think I spent too much time trying to "see through" the tricks. Carter figured some out, too, but enjoyed himself immensely. I figured most things out, but am still puzzled by the illusion where the lovely assistant is separated from part of her body.

I'm glad I was stumped. I don't want to be too old for magic. I still want to be surprised and entertained. I don't want everything to be predictable. I don't want to be too grown up to believe in that which I cannot see.

As a kid, we called this phenomenon magic. As an adult, we call it faith.

Do you still believe in something?

1 comment:

Ron Hedberg said...

There is so much happening out of physical sight. Thousands of angels, and fallen angels (demons), are working to carry out their missions. We influence and are influenced by their actions. I have so much more to learn about being aware of the real action.

As for illusions and things like that, us adults tend to lose our sense of wonder. Many of us tend to analyze too much.

I watch movies with several smart people, who have in most cases already seen the movie at least once before. In Mystery Science Theater 3000 style, we make fun of some of the mistakes and plot holes or craters. That can be fun.

But most often, it is more enjoyable, for me at least, to quit analyzing and just "go along for the ride" and enjoy the movie. Sit back and enjoy the show!