Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Christmas Program

I'm not exactly sure how far back our family Christmas program dates, but we've been putting on a performance for my parents well over 30 years.

One of my earliest recollections was acting out the Nativity Story. I think I was about 4 years old. I don't know if I was one of the animals in the stable or what my role was, but I do recall that my three oldest sisters portrayed the three wise men. Wearing dishtowels on their heads, they marched in with the gifts of gold, frankincense and ... packages of graham crackers.

Each year, we either put on a play or sang as a family unit or as individuals or small groups. Thankfully, this was not like American Idol. Mom and Dad did not judge us, merely enjoyed the performances.

They also didn't judge how we dressed either! The picture at right was taken at a Christmas in the mid-70s (duh). Mind you, these are not costumes, just our nice dress-up clothes. Performing for a captive audience with me (far left) are Rachel, Raylene and Ron.

As our family expanded to add some spouses of my siblings, the format of the program changed. Now, instead of the original family doing something together, each of us 8 kids do a number, so to speak, with our respective families.

Many times, on the long drive to our family gathering, I have written a poem or something my family can read together. This year, I actually have something done ahead of time. I am looking forward to it and just have to get my other participants to share the excitement. I mean really, they can't be that embarrassed. It's not like I'm making them wear polyester leisure suits!

Or am I?

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