Sunday, December 23, 2007

White(out) Christmas

Because of our lengthy commute to work, I'm not a big fan of snow anymore. So I certainly had no dreams of a white Christmas, but apparently quite a few people did.

We knew the storm was coming. Remember how we used to love big snows because there was that potential that we'd a have a snow day? Since Christmas vacation (for Carter and me) officially started yesterday, we didn't need a big snow for a snow day or a white Christmas. That was covered already.

I'm not as annoyed about this as I could be -- for a couple reasons. One, we don't have to travel until next weekend so I really had no place to go. Two, since I got home from the bank Saturday morning, I have been a game-playing, movie-watching, lounge pants-wearing lazy bum, and I'm OK with that.

That, to me, is what Christmas vacation is all about.

We interrupt this vacation, however, to bring you the fantasy football "Super Bowl." Jim stands to win a big chunk of moola if his team wins. So it's been a little tense today. We did, however, get some enjoyment out of the Packers game (Sorry, I can only be so nice at Christmas time.). Tonight we'll be back to nail biting as the Vikings try to secure their playoff spot (c'mon, Santa. We've been good!)

Carter has loved all this snow. This isn't really the sticky, packing kind so he couldn't build what he wanted, but he is burrowing a tunnel of some sort. I actually took a shovel and cleared the deck and walkway. That took me just as long as it took Jim to snowblow the whole driveway! (I expect this ol' brittle bag o' bones will be feeling it later.)

It's been snowing all day so it doesn't even look like I shoveled earlier. Jim is outside now, doing a second pass with the snowblower. With all the blowing and drifting snow, all the law enforcement types are warning us all to stay off the roads and just stay home.

I guess if you twist my arm, I can keep my Vikings lounge pants on and eat some more Christmas treats. I better sign off and go call dibs on the couch for the night! Ahhh... vacation!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I even got to wear long pants & a Christmas sweatshirt this morning while I walked. It was in the 60's.... Brrrr! Oh well, that's life in the tip of Texas! Rayna