Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Blessings

Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed!

I truly enjoy going to church on Easter Sunday. There is something about the story, the message, that gives me such hope. Things can start anew. It's not too late start over. Do the right things. Live the right way.

What did I learn from Lent this year? Well, based on my Swear Board, Curse Chart, whatever you call it, I should find alternative ways to express myself. It seems those F-bombs happen when I am a little peeved about something (usually at work). There is great wisdom in the notion of counting to 10 before verbalizing your thoughts. I will try that. I also found that the other minor curses were just that -- pretty minor, just filler words to further express a thought. I'm a writer for crying out loud. I am sure I can find other adjectives that can get my message across. I will try that, too.

Carter was actually the first one to mention that today is Easter so I can swear again. Wow, thanks for keeping track of my life. He's going to be a good babysitter and father someday. For the record, my total came to $16.90 but I rounded it up to $20 (just in case I missed a few) and took it to church. As it turned out, the loose offering today was going to our quilters' group, who make quilts for the poor around the world. (Last year they made 209 of them.) Being the crafty person I am, I thought it was the perfect home for my Cursing Cash and that was the end of that.

Even though Lent is over, I am still going to do my best to find alternative words. I mean, heck (ooh, notice I chose a word other than hell?) I have a word-a-day calendar at my desk, right?

I see Easter as a New Year's rerun. Sort of our second chance to make an honest effort towards those resolutions we haven't been as dedicated to as we planned. It's also a chance to thank God for our many, many blessings. Please stop and think about those. Forget the little stuff. The minor headaches. The petty inconveniences. Think big picture. Think about how good you've got it.

I sat down to write a note today to tuck inside a get well card for a dear friend. I'm not exaggerating when I say it was the hardest letter I've had to write. I was at a loss for words. What do you say to someone who likely just celebrated her last Easter with her family? I tell her I am praying for her but that sounds so inconsequential when she is battling stage 4 cancer. Everywhere in her body. How can I tell her I love her without making it sound like the "goodbye" my heart says it may be? I wept hard through that letter.

All I could tell her is what I have told her all along. She's "good people." She's a wonderful friend. An inspiration. She is a strong, feisty woman and I know no matter how poorly she felt physically, she found something to be thankful for today. She looked around at her loving husband, her kids and grandkids and felt thoroughly blessed. Just I have been blessed knowing her.

God made the ultimate sacrifice 2,000 years ago so that we may have these blessings. Count yours today. And every day. And treasure them.

Christ is risen. He is risen, indeed!

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