Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I'm melting...

The mercury has officially climbed up to the "above freezing" mark. Whoo-hoo! The good news is that the snowbanks will finally lose some height -- which all of us drivers have learned is very important at intersections! The bad news is we'll soon be walking and driving in "lakes" everywhere.

Do we care? We checked the 10-day forecast last night for Pharr, Texas. Looks like next week we'll have to suffer through mid-80s to low 90s. Hubby says, "I just want to sweat!" and I add, "I just want to bake!" (Bottom line: Love heat; sick of winter!)

So bring on the spring thaw! We'll deal with it our way down in Lone Star country. Maybe the lakes will be gone by the time we return (not likely).

Carter asked the other day: "What happens to the white when the snow melts?" I thought he was telling us a joke, so my clever response: "It goes white into the ground."

He wasn't joking, though. He really wanted to know. I have since found an explanation online (what did we do before the Internet?) about the color related to the density of the ice that makes snow and the reflection of light. Basically, in the end, all that matters is that it melts into clear water and disappears as it soaks in the ground or evaporates into the air.

Blah, blah, blah. I still like my answer better!

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