Sunday, April 12, 2015

Beauty (or the Beast) Rest

I believe I have just discovered the international symbol for "teenager." At least the one in this house.

Kinda pathetic that it was almost noon and I still had to bribe Carter out of bed with cinnamon rolls. As typical with most week days, one of us parents had to serve as the human snooze and try every 10 or 15 minutes to awaken him.

Today, knowing he hasn't gotten much sleep lately and he got home late from the post-musical "wrap party," I let him sleep in and did not start the process until after 10. It is the weekend after all, but I knew he had homework to work on all day so I didn't want him to be short on time. Otherwise, I would've have just let him sleep even longer and get his beauty rest rather than awakening the beast!

The cinnamon rolls did the trick until he found procrastination distractions like stopping to check progress at the garage sale and, oh, a sudden interest in The Masters.

Basically, I kicked him off the couch and down to his homework dungeon when he tried that move. Between working on a freelance project and doing housecleaning and laundry, I deserved to park on the couch to at least watch the last few hours.

Worth it.

A nice young man – Master Spieth – earned the privilege of wearing the Green Jacket. So much talent. Should be a fun player to watch. Of course, I root for everyone's putt to go in. They have a far better shot at it than me! Always inspires me to get the season started.

Did not, however, inspire me to get up off the sofa and do anything. Perhaps I am still part teenager...

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