Friday, April 24, 2015

Land of Milk and Honey

For the teenager who lives under our roof, the fabled "Land of Milk and Honey" is more like the "Land of Chocolate Milk and Money."

I should know by now to never have a twenty-dollar bill in my purse. When I have to give it to a 16-year-old, for example, I never get the change. I'd much rather be out just the change from a ten. But I am a slow learner.

I still register surprise when I reach into my wallet and wonder where the cash went. Then I remember.

And then I pray for rain so that Money Tree in the backyard will start growing!

To his credit, Carter does have a part-time job. He just hasn't been on the schedule in say, a month. But life at the golf course is not so busy in the winter. Now, with spring allegedly upon us, he will get some more hours and maybe have a little spending cash on hand. With this spring drought, I surely hope so.

He is getting his first real lesson in money management, though. Yesterday I took him to the bank to sign him up for a checking account. The only reason we are doing this is so that he has a debit card when he is in Germany this summer. He already has a hundred euros we obtained ahead of time. He doesn't need to be walking around in a strange land with more than that in his possession. If he needs more, which we know from the schedule of activities that he will, then he can get it with from the magic money machine.

From his own account. Not ours. Ha.

He'll need to learn a little Accounting 101 when he gets his debit card in the mail. What he already does know is that work is not always enjoyable. Sometimes you work when others are out having all the fun.

Tonight, for example, he is working and I was across the street jammin' at a Jamberry nails party. Oh yes, living it up and "out" until 8:30. I know. I'm a party girl! Carter, on the other hand, will possibly do something fun after work... about 10 or 10:30 ... when the party animals in this house are sound asleep.

Dreaming about the Land of Milk and Honey...

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