Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Out of Thin Air

When I got to bed last night after a very long day, I realized I hadn't blogged. At that point, though, I had neither the energy nor the reason to get out of bed.

I had nothing to say.

If only we could write or draw ideas out of thin air. That would be awesome. Of course, 75 percent of the time, I sit down to blog and have no idea what I am going to write. Sometimes I think if I just start typing, something will come to me. But then I remember, if blogging was easy, everybody would be doing it.

Oh wait, just about everyone does!!

The other reason I skipped is because I've had too many negatives happening to people around me. I am praying for so many who are sick or struggling or broken in some way. It just seemed inappropriate to be all flippant about nothing. But it's a new day and I am seeing some situations turning in a positive direction. Thanks be to God.

Not that I have anything to write about tonight – light or otherwise. Good thing this blog is not called On the Light Bulb Side. Then it would have to be grand ideas to improve our lives!

Whew. No pressure.

Besides all the praying, we are occupied this week with prom plans. Hubby and Carter picked up the tux tonight. I realized I was the only one who hadn't seen it. Even the mom of Carter's date has seen it and was there with her daughter's dress when they ordered it a few weeks ago. I won't give much away since I want you to be surprised at the first photos Saturday, but let's just say he'll be beyond dapper!

Since this is traditionally considered the "junior prom," as parents of a junior, we are required to "volunteer" for several tasks. I'll be busy tomorrow afternoon/evening, Friday afternoon/evening and Saturday, pretty much all day and evening. That's OK. This is fun for me and, if the weather forecast of sunny and 60s holds true, it will be enjoyable for all.

In anticipation of the hard labor (ha), I participated in Girls' Night Out this evening. This is a monthly gathering of "girls" of a certain age bracket. I don't make it monthly. In fact, I make it maybe 2-3 times a year tops. This afternoon at work, though, I decided I NEEDED some time away from thinking. Just talking and laughing and eating.

That definitely restored my LIGHT mood. Still looking for an idea to blog about, so I might just have to keep grabbing at thin air and hope.

Thanks for bearing with me...

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