Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Mush, Mush

Let's just pretend for a moment that this chiseled athlete is me. I know. Stretch your imagine.

It was sort of me today. When I showed up as the only class member to kickbox at 5:40 a.m., my instructor informed we were going to try something new. (Well, new for me anyway.)

I guess you could say I had my pre-NFL Draft workout today. Just like the photo illustration, I was  pulling my teacher around the room like a sled dog while doing constant Karate Kid moves. Step Pull. Kick. Mush, mush! Step. Pull. Kick. Mush, mush! Then I had to do it with resistance bands on my legs! Uff da.

For the record, I am available as a "free" agent but I would prefer to get paid. King Cone currency is fine.

After that, I went to work and had to take the afternoon off because my mind was mush. Mush! No, not really. I just had a lot of things to get done before I leave town at dawn tomorrow for Garage Sale Palooza.

Knowing I am missing Carter's 17th birthday Friday, I had to find something for him to open in my absence. This is how Robyn shops: Walk into Dunham's Sporting Goods to get Carter a birthday present. Walk out of Dunham's with birthday present... and a pair of golf shoes for herself. 

In my defense, I needed them, they were on clearance, and I just saved Carter and Jim time on shopping for my Mother's Day gift. Everybody wins, right?

Got home and did a few projects before heading off to school for our "final meeting before departure to Germany" meeting. No, Carter is not leaving until June 14, but there were forms to sign, itineraries and rules to review, packing lists and questions, etc. It's getting exciting now!!

Stopped at Wal-Mart on my way home to visit with a girlfriend for 30 minutes in the card aisle. Oh, and to pick up 3 days' worth of snacks for the garage sale workers (aka Mom and the 8 R's). Tomorrow we load everything up from Mom's and set up at the community center. Mom doesn't have a garage AND this guarantees a rain or shine sale. We'll staff it on Friday and Saturday and by Saturday night at this time I will be praising God it's over!

Our minds will be mush. Our bodies may be, too. But I have every type of nourishment from granola bars to chips AND Chips Ahoy. (I am keeping the red Twizzlers to myself. That is my travel food!)

Now, even though my whole being is mush, I better get packing so I can hop on my dogsled at sunrise. Northward, doggies! Mush, mush!

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