Thursday, April 30, 2015

Physical Labor

I was reminded today why I am cut out for a desk job. Physical labor and I don't mix. It was quite an exhaustive day.

Got up for 5:40 kettle bell / strength class then hit the road northbound for garage sale headquarters in Cushing. We are renting the community center there so there is plenty of space and we aren't dependent on Mother Nature.

For some reason, I didn't think we could fill 20 8-foot tables. What was I thinking? It took a lot of hours of grunt work, but there we were at 6 pm,  looking at very, very, very full tables.

That's not to say it went smoothly. As my mother pointed out later,  sometimes there were too many chiefs and not enough Indians.  No pointing fingers since all 8 kids probably wore the chief hat at least once during the day.  Now, so tired and frazzled,  it's best not to say any more.

Enjoyed a great meal at the Bon Ton Saloon in downtown Luck.  Now Rayna, Renell and I are hitting the hay at the Luck Country Inn so we are refreshed for the big day.

If our aching bodies can move in the morning,  that is!

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