Sunday, April 5, 2015

For God So Loved the World...

On November 22, 1963, three shots rang out in Dallas, President Kennedy died, and the world changed.

What if you could change it back?

That is the premise of the book 11/22/63 by Stephen King, an 849-page, 2-inch-thick novel I just finished reading. I am not a King fan at all and have never read one of his books, ever. I think I got freaked out by the books-turned-movies when I was young and impressionable. But this one was recommended to me by some fellow bookworms so I gave it a go – knowing it was "long" but starting out on a Kindle not knowing it was THAT long!

Really interesting plot of a man going back in time to try to stop Kennedy's assassination – along with a few other tragedies. Without giving too much away, we learn that every little action and decision we make can alter our future. Sometimes for the better. Sometimes not.

On Easter weekend, as we are reminded of Christ's suffering, we believers wish we could go back and change the course of events. Stop the flogging, the added pain of the crown of thorns, the humiliation of carrying the cross, the unspeakable torture of being nailed to a cross, His undeserved death.

It's almost impossible to believe, but God wouldn't want us to change that. It was His plan. His gift of grace to us because He loves us that much.

Hard to believe, yes, but it is the freeing truth.

Still, in our own lives, we sometimes question how things would be if one moment (or several moments) in time could be changed, don't we? We ask ourselves, "What if I had done this differently?" or "that differently?" How different would life be if we had?

I have had to come to terms with many regrets in my life, but I wouldn't – I couldn't – go back and change them. Every step – whether joyful or painful – has led me to where I am right now. Right at this moment. I wouldn't change that for the world.

Because my Easter blessings don't fill a basket. They fill my heart.

May the blessings of Easter fill YOUR hearts with joy, too! Happy Easter!

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