Friday, September 7, 2018

Furry Forecaster

Punxsutawney Phil ain't got nothing on Psychic Sylvester.

Sure in the dead of winter he can predict the coming of spring – because it's always 6 weeks away. But we know it's spring when Sly hops up on window seat and begs for it to be opened. She needs her fresh air to keep her complexion looking young.

We also know when it's summer because on especially warm days she presses the leng of her body against the living room wall. The one facing north. It must offer some coolness we humans know nothing about.

And we humans know it's fall when football season arrives (great game tonight, Royals!). But Psychic Sylvester knows when fall is coming because she starts to wear hoodies!

As much as I love my hoodies, I am not ready for overnight temps in the 40s just yet.

But I guess that's what electric mattress pads and Pumpkin Spice Lattes are for!

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