Thursday, September 6, 2018

The Road Much Less Traveled

For this one-foot wonder, every road has been the road less traveled this summer. And that includes my favorite lunchtime nature hike at Schmeekle Reserve across the street from work.

Today, though, it was just a lovely late summer day and I had the time. And the walking shoes. So I went for it.

The swamp grasses and cattails have definitely grown up since early summer! I love that! It makes it more interesting when you can't always tell what's around the corner.

Sometimes it's the path going forward on the boardwalk. And sometimes it's on gravel or wood chips. Sometimes you skirt around goose poop. And sometimes you walk through spiderwebs.

Other times you scream – well, squeal – at a snake underfoot! Oh yes. On the boardwalk! Not the gravel and wet grass like I'd expect. But slithering right past my feet. On. The. Boardwalk! I don't even want to know how he got up there. But I am glad I took a nice picture before I had my panic speedwalk back to work, worrying about flying snakes!

The good news is that I didn't freak out completely, kick a tree, and break my toe again. There are victories to be had. Plus, I got exercise. A little sun. And a pumped up heart rate for the afternoon!

A good walk only slightly spoiled.

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