Tuesday, February 5, 2019

A Non-Political Post

See, despite the State of the Union airing as I type, I'm not touching that topic with a 10-foot post.

As for the State of Wisconsin right now... It's WINTER. Still. We're under another storm and ice and snow advisory. A two-for-one deal actually. Maybe an inch or 2 here tonight and then 3-5 tomorrow night and Thursday. Because we can't go a day without it!

Since basketball got called off tonight, we stayed home and I started my prep work for Camp Crop-A-Lot. I am currently in the middle of my 2013 chronological family album. So read through my blogs from June and on that year to see what I may have to scrap.

Guess what? A lot.

I have a few weddings, a major mission trip, golf outings, a Dirty Girl run, plus a hot firefighter 10K in the Twin Cities, not to mention some other fun. So yeah, I will have a lot of pictures to track down – phone, camera, Facebook – and then get prints. And then figure out papers, etc. Good thing it's still 2 weeks away. I have a lot to do!

But for tonight, I got the reading part done (like a novel!) and am going to enjoy popcorn and politics or maybe just non-political posts.

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