Sunday, February 24, 2019

Getting a Handle on Winter

How are we coping with winter and this latest blizzard? Pretty much just shaking our heads. This winter is getting way too long and, you know, there's nothing we can do about it.

That's why I am stuck in rural Rosholt (or just Rosholt, ha). We are blizzarded in at the Lions Camp. After ice last night, then 8 or so inches of snow, we had 50 mph winds drifting it everywhere. The blizzard warning just ended at 9 p.m.!

I did manage to get through the thick layer of ice and start my car. But it's not going anywhere until drifts are plowed and the wind dies down tomorrow. There ARE worse things than being stuck at scrapbooking camp!

I feel guilty for having a fun, productive day because back home, the power went out at 4 a.m. (there's a lot that with heavy snow downing trees onto power lines) and did not get restored until tonight - some 17 hours later. Uff da.

I think hubby would have gotten a hotel room if not for the cat. They snuggled plenty today, I'm sure! Thankfully it got fixed so Jim can turn on both sides of the electric mattress pad tonight. He deserves  it!

All area schools are already called off tomorrow.  Between the outages and drifting, it's going to be a mess. Hoping I can get out of here.

Be smart and safe out there. And whatever you do, don't look at the forecast. Your handle on winter will fly off the handle!

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