Sunday, February 3, 2019

Sleep-Purr Bowl

At first I was a little upset that our disgruntled cat was boycotting the Super Bowl just because she wasn't selected to play in this year's new event – the Kitty Bowl on the Hallmark Channel. Yup, the Hallmark Channel has everything. Well, except Sylvester, that is.

I maybe should have watched that all evening instead of the Sleeper Bowl. I know defense is key to winning as much as offense. But fans like offense. Some fun. Some scoring. I'm thinking whoever bet on more punts than points for the game is laughing it up in Vegas right now. Wow.

Hubby and I went to the same Super Bowl party I think his friend Chet has hosted for some 30 years. I ducked out and came home before kickoff because one, I had a project to finish on deadline, and two, we just got a 65-inch TV this winter. I should be watching the game on that!

Pretty much the only action I saw on the TV was Adam Levine almost life-sized in my living room. And throwing his shirt at me! Good thing I was home by myself to enjoy that moment.

I did get on some "boards" where I donated some funds. I was nice and put Carter's name on one, too, since he had a successful investment last year. When we talked to him today he said he was not staying up to watch the game, which started over there after midnight.  Good thing. He wouldn't have been able to stay awake anyway.

And thanks the low-scoring 3 festival with points, I did get some earnings on my investments in the 3rd quarter and final. It's like they're refunding my misery. Ha. I'll take it.

Now... onto baseball season! #twinsterritory

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