Saturday, February 2, 2019

Groundhog Daze

While the rest of America has Punxsatawney Phil, in Wisconsin we have Jimmy the Groundhog from the Madison area. What did Jimmy see and say today?

Well, Jimmy did not see his shadow that means – for the superstitious types – there will be an early spring. Punxsatawney Phil also made the same prediction at a ceremony earlier in the day in Pennsylvania. Do you think that really means spring will be early?

I think we're just hopeful. Especially after this past week!

But to celebrate "thoughts" of spring anyway, I got out for a walk/run today. Roads still snowy and slick, but I had ordered YakTrax for hubby and me (for Valentine's Day). They came this week when it was too cold to breathe outside, let alone walk or run. Today I broke mine in, though. They work great. No slipping and sliding anywhere! Even worked up a sweat.

After a quick shower, I had a couple senior photo shoots in town – indoor basketball shots – then decided to keep the spring theme going.

I remembered our DQ opened yesterday. Funny that one day it's a Polar Vortex and the next day there's a line at Dairy Queen. That pretty much sums up Wisconsin! Add in tomorrow's forecast of nearly 40-degree weather (and rain) and we got several seasons going on at once. Again, this is Wisconsin.

And yes, I was a patron, too. I didn't just drive by DQ. I got Reese's Outrageous Blizzards for Jim and me. (That was his new favorite flavor before they closed for the season. A short season, thankfully.) It made for a tasty supper, that's for sure.

And erased any calorie-burning progress from my run, too. Oh well. I'm starting to think I'm part groundhog. I've got the extra layers and I certainly act like I know what I'm talking about. Even if I don't.

Let's hope Jimmy and Phil get it right this time.

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