Monday, February 4, 2019

Messy Mushy Monday

When the dense fog finally lifted today, we realized the warm (well, above freezing) temperatures also brought melt-age (made-up word) and mush. Oh, over layers of ice, of course.

What a mess!

Because we were back under the freezing mark today, the morning mist turned into ice everywhere. Sound familiar? That's how it was two weeks ago when I could barely to get to Stevens Point. Today at least I got to work fine. There were places up north and even just east of us that closed schools after many accidents and were under an Ice Storm Warning for today and tonight.

Good times, Mother Nature.

So, as pictured, our neighborhood is half summer lake (water) and half winter lake (ice fishing, anyone?).

Since we weren't entirely sure what the roads were like tonight, hubby and I did not venture up to Auburndale for the boys basketball game. Instead I worked on their posters for senior night next week. I now have them all designed and sent to the moms for "proofing." So I can cross that off my list for this week.

Hopefully, I don't have to add on "shoveling" or any of that nonsense! Be safe out there.

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