Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Why Cats Hibernate

If I had a choice, I would definitely hibernate through winters like this one. I think Sylvester is in the same boat.

When I see the sad sack laying like this on Daddy's recliner, I just know she's thinking, "How much longer is this stinkin' winter going to last?"

At first I feel bad for her. Then I remember she's an indoor cat, she'll get over it. Plus, she's been stealing my chair when I haven't been looking! I have proof now.

I peeked over the back of my recliner and she's like "What? I just got here, I swear. I thought you were going to bed."

Next time I pass through the living room, some human has reclined my chair a bit for her, and she finds a comfy spot on the back. Defying gravity. Wow. Does your cat do tricks?

Not impressed, Miss Seat Stealer!

Wish all cats were friendly like Carter's over in Germany.

I think I previously shared who his student apartment building has adopted this stray cat. Somehow, a little bed and carpet showed up. Then food. Then a checklist of who has fed it and when. And now...

Upgraded accommodations! Check that out! And it's grateful! Yes, strange type of cat who actually enjoys humans, is nice, doesn't mind being petted by strangers... and doesn't steal seats.

Of course, she or he may also just be happy they are not having the same type of winter over in Germany as we're having in the Midwest. Could certainly explain why Carter's in a much better mood than we are these days. 55 degrees there the other day, he said.

Is it too late to hibernate? Please, may I? I'll even make room for the cat!

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