Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Artistic Tuesday

As I mentioned yesterday, these are just few (but not all) of the cool things you can see in the Stevens Point Sculpture Park tour. Google it and bring bug spray...

Thankfully nice signage since I entered the park via the Green Circle Trail and I had no idea where I was going.

I immediately appreciated beauty in the park/trail that wasn't man made!

As soon as I saw this, I thought, "Ooooh, lots of details!" You had to look at tiny details to see why the artist said it had "Three Colors, One Heart."

I didn't take a picture of the artist's sign but based on the color scheme, I'm thinking it represents an American worker trying to move forward.

This one was so detailed! It is call Arhelon's Canoe - after the name of a large, prehistoric turtle who appears in the creation myths of the Native American in the region.

So much detail! I loved it!

In my mind I named this the "Beverly Hillbillys" after Jed and all those folk. But the artist from Minnesota merely called it "Scrap Value." We get it.

I loved this gathering area - or at least that is what I perceived it as. There's no chairs there, but holding hands in a circle at each level sounds so unifying.

I love the famous bicyclist since it's a great trail to bike or walk!

In my mind, quite similar to the Beverly Hillbillies vehicle concoction. It you're young, just Google it.

I love that I first saw the backend of the bear but then kept walking and realized the owls are part of the story too.

I love that this one is called "Communication Tangles" since that represents so much of life - personal, work and otherwise.

 My favorite!

It's called the "Elk Centaur" but I just envision it as one kick-ass woman!

The "Lone Wolf" is really cool and so detailed in design. 

And finally, this one called "Furnished Framework" is totally something I (and my fellow hoarders) could see ourselves doing but won't get around to! Pretty cool. Let me know if any of you get around to it!

P.S. Sometimes we don't realize what's in our own backyards to explore or photograph or learn from. Expand your horizons! You probably don't have to travel too far!

Monday, June 24, 2024

Meandering Monday

I usually work from home on Mondays, but since we have 2 days of  "planning/budgeting" in Stevens Point, I figured I'd take advantage of the extra hours here and explore the infamous Green Circle Trial. Well, parts of it. 

I'll have to give you a "virtual tour" but for now, just know it's pretty cool and there are signs (sculptures not included) that could direct your life and current thinking.

It appears a lot of elementary schools in the Stevens Point area visit here and make signs. Love them!

Not sure what this is called, but I call it "My friend Cindy, you can do it!"

I had to laugh at this one because I just know it was a boy! Ha.

And this sign, well, it kind of encapsulates our department meetings today. What is demanding our attention and what must we respond to? We've got another day (at least) to figure that out. 

In the meantime, just meander and see what signs call to you. There's no wrong answer.

Be careful out there!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Peace! Be Still!

After all the rain lately, it was so appropriate that today's Gospel lesson in church was about Jesus calming the storm. Both literally and metaphorically. 

On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, “Let us go across to the other side.” And leaving the crowd, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. And other boats were with him. And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”

With all the "storms" brewing in my life (and loved ones' lives) these days, am I acting like the disciples and questioning whether Jesus cares? Or do I have faith he'll get me through it?

I'll admit that a lot of times Worry steps in and Faith and Confidence are pushed aside. It's just human nature. Right?

Still, it was a much-needed reminder that God is in control. I am not. And I have a much better chance of getting from Point A to Point B if He is in the driver's seat. Why is it so hard sometimes to hand over the keys? Just gotta keep working at it. And be grateful He's in the boat with me!

On a lighter note, I could've used His driving help tonight on the golf course. Ha. Actually the drives were good -- as far as distance is concerned -- but direction is another matter. That's probably some sort of sign, too!

Still it was fun to start out my "birthday week" playing with/against our friends Sean and Michelle for Couples League. I originally captured the photo "Fun in the sun," but wouldn't you know it? We got rained on the last 2 holes!

Apparently a sign that I can't take the sunny days for granted. There's always storms around the corner. We just need to remember who to rely on to get through them.

Lord, please be our wing man this week!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Weathering the Storms

My trip up to Luck and back can pretty much be illustrated in this photo of a very flooded farm field. Rain, rain, and more rain! Insane!

At home we got 2 inches overnight and I have no idea what they got at my sister's house, but it was 100000% humidity and wet garage floors today.

Our goal in "Luck Cardinal Country" was to move enough of Rachel's furniture out of her house and into her garage so she'll have room for a "hospital bed" in her living room and very few pieces of furniture in the way of her wheelchair - when she gets released from Regions Hospital in a week!

It sounds like good news but it's a bit disconcerting since she can stand on her right foot and leg but hasn't been able to take one step yet since she can't put weight on her left leg until August. Frustrating how quickly insurance companies ASSUME a person should be ready to go home. We'll all do what we can to make this transition work!

It was helpful that for the heavy lifting today that we had some strong Luck firefighters helping. (Flashback to my fun newspaper reporter days! IYKYK!)

Anyway, it's going to be a lot of "learn as we go" while we see how she adjusts. Rachel's doing so amazing, we don't doubt her determination. It's just, like I've said before, the little things we take for granted - like making a cup of coffee or heck, just showering. 

Continued prayers are always welcomed. 

P.S. We will have a benefit for her and her friend/passenger Brian in Luck in late October, so if you want to contribute anything toward raffle baskets (or create one), let us know. It's quite a ways away, but I'm mentioning it now as a reminder to get my crochet hook hookin'!

Friday, June 21, 2024

The Heavy Stuff

I have to laugh at this meme from Caddyshack. Frankly, the "heavy stuff" has been coming down for awhile. And it resumed right before we teed off for golf league last night.

Not raining when I left work in Stevens Point, but then it started sprinkling and was a steady light rain by the time I got to TriCity. Our league rule is that we play in the rain unless it lightnings. Well, this was our view from the cart, which Marigene and I never use -- but had to to keep ourselves (and my new clubs) somewhat dry.

We were all wishing for lightning.

By the end, everything from our headcovers to our socks and underwear was soaked! Pretty miserable. I don't even know what our score was and how we did. We were all in cold, wet survival mode. So don't let anyone fool you when they say ANY day on the golf course is better than work.

There are exceptions!

Today it continued to rain so Jim didn't get together with an old friend to hit the links somewhere between here and Green Bay. But there was a moment of sunshine for about 2 hours when I set out my wet golf glove, shoes, headcovers, and bag to dry. That somewhat did the trick.

After work, I hit the road and headed north. For the first hour it was raining so hard I could hardly see -- and was experiencing the joys of hydro-planing. Good times, Mother Nature. You're not making any fans.

She always responds with "Yeah, but how are your flowers looking, Robyn?"

Must she have the last word? For the record, my hail-damaged blooms have sprung back to life. But so have the many, many weeds I "thought" I eliminated a month ago. Never trust Round-Up, I guess.

Too bad there's not a "We love our jolly good weeds June" to follow "No mow May."

Hope you all stay dry and safe. And can escape the moisture-induced mosquito invasion!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Red Guardian Angels

Cardinals have gained quite a heavenly reputation. It seems, based on the gifts we've received after Mom's passing that cardinals are reminders that our loved ones are with us in spirit.

Touching poem. I still think that my dad shows his presence to me when I seen an eagle. But maybe Mom is the pretty cardinal.

I saw this red guardian angel outside my kitchen window tonight. They never sit still long enough for to take a picture. And even though I took it through the dirty window, there's no doubt Red is giving me the side eye to see what I'm up to and make sure I'm doing OK.

I'm hanging in there, Mom. I still have a deck of cards in my car for my next visit. So apparently I'm not quite getting beyond the "hanging in there" yet. 

Thanks for looking out for me! 👼

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

A Hot One

When you sit inside an air-conditioned office all day, it's hard to comprehend that it "feels like" 96 degrees outside. 

Until you walk outside into the heavy air after work! Uff da!

So while hubby sweated through golf with his buddies, I decided to stay home in the A/C and watch something hot!

Yup, watching the second half of Season 3 of Bridgerton. Only one episode to go. But it's almost my bedtime so maybe I'll wait until tomorrow night for the finale – when probably all outdoor activities will be called off due to rain. Again.

My flowers are loving it. But I don't know when it will be too much for farmers. Looks like a wet forecast until Sunday morning. Hopefully just sprinkles when we have tee times. I mean that's why God invented golf hats, right?

Be careful out there!

Monday, June 17, 2024

Miracle Birthday

Not a lot of people look forward to celebrating their 60th birthday. But I can guarantee you my sister Rachel is on the short list of those who do.

Eleven weeks ago, we thought we'd lost her. But here's our miracle birthday girl today, having a few reasons to finally smile!

One, some of her sister brought her cake. Two, she's in the rehab area rather than ICU or Surgical Care. And three, she accomplished something yesterday most of us take for granted – getting out of bed unassisted and into her wheelchair unassisted and getting to and from her bathroom unassisted. It's a pretty big deal for her.

And now you also know how long of a road she has ahead of her – especially when she can only rely on her right leg, foot, and arm for support. For now.

She's not just a miracle. She's a Wonder Woman! 

Thanks for the prayers and please continue them if you have space in your heart to do so. She needs physical and mental strength – with some patience thrown in. 

You've got this, birthday girl! You've already proven you can do it! 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day

I'm so grateful that even though I can't see my dad on Father's Day, I can at least hug some of the important fathers in my life.

We left the house around 8 a.m. to meet Carter and his girlfriend southwest of Madison. We picked up Carter so he could come home and get his car – and spend Father's Day with Dad and Grandpa. I loved that the DOT sign people made a special Dad message!

Had a delicious lunch at Sherry's house. It was a small crowd. Just my father-in-law, Sherry, Baird, Jim, Clay, Carter and me. Plenty of trifle left over! A gorgeous day to get some pictures of the only one I have called "Dad" for 11 years – and his "kiddos."

While Casey is still out in Portland for a few months, I was so glad 2 out of 3 brown-eyed bandits could be there with Jim on Father's Day. So appreciated!

We finished off Father's Day with golf, of course. Well it was couple's league at TriCity so he was also stuck with me as his partner. Ha. Thankfully the earlier forecast for rain was wrong! In fact it was 85 with a feel of 91 as we teed off in the late afternoon, so we actually took a cart instead of walking.

I'm still adjusting to my new clubs but I'm still loving them. I even hit a nice shot out of the sand tonight! I was proud of myself until I saw how the U.S. Open ended. Of course, I can also take comfort that I don't have a million people watching me miss a short putt, either!

Hope you had a wonderful day with your dad or any father figure in your life. Hug them hard while they're here! 💖 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sweet as Sugar

Grad party season is winding down. We had a combo party for two boys, er young men, from Assumption and then my favorite girl – our sweet Lydia.

I made some white diploma and Royal blue rose mints for her party. Although, I've made these before, this time I got to use Mom's mint molds – because they were just a bit bigger than mine. And I just wanted to feel connected to her. They turned out pretty delicious, if I do say so myself.

And yes, basically sugar! Cream cheese and 2 pounds of powdered sugar!

Speaking of sweet... I forgot how many of Lydia's senior pictures turned out so adorable. We had such a good time doing those last summer. It was great to see them displayed! She's so sweet.

I also made her a special gift but I don't know when she's getting around to opening those, so I won't share a picture.

Got home from the party and I whipped together a trifle for Father's Day tomorrow. Going to Jim's sister's house for lunch. Pretty sure I'll have leftovers. This is a chocolate-vanilla-caramel concoction. If I get good reviews, I'll share the recipe! 

Hope something SWEET happened to you today!

Friday, June 14, 2024

Community-Wide Bargain Hunters

If you're like me and you work Monday through Friday, there's not much opportunity to hit any garage sales until Saturday. Good news for you! The Grand Rapids Community-Wide Garage Sale is in full swing and there will be plenty of action Saturday!

Yes, there are 87 sales listed on the official map – which you can find at a Kellner business or on the Grand Rapids Community-Wide Garage Sale Facebook page. Make sure you stop at 2111 87th St. S. (just off of County Trunk FF).

In case you missed the sale I participated in in April, this sale features some fabulous leftovers – including teen/young man clothes, lots of books (including many nonfiction sports ones), and dozens of underpriced Stampin' Up rubber stamps!

I know I personally don't NEED anything right now. But it will be hard not to make lots of pitstops between Point A and Point B anytime I'm out of the house tomorrow! 

Should be a beautiful day to find those bargains!! Happy hunting!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Learning Curve

As predicted, I needed a little adjustment time tonight for my new golf clubs. Bottom line, I was thrilled with all my new clubs.

Learning lesson: I can hit some of my same numbered wedges further. Good. But also good to know. And I can hit my new hybrid 4 pretty far in circumstances I previously relied on irons only. (Extra strokes tonight since I tried irons first).

So, definitely a learning curve, but so exciting to know my new clubs are built for me and my height and all that. And can deliver some solid hits when I need them.

Very excited to keep "testing" them and improve.

I have not replaced my "old" putter yet but I'm guessing I may, just to match the other clubs. Not to be judgmental, but they needed help.

Plus knowing the new members of my golf bag family did well, perhaps it's worth an investment.

Either way, it's always good to be out on the course on a gorgeous sunny evening! Ignore the score. Appreciate the rays! 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Christmas-ish in June!

Let's face it. After yesterday's shit show of a day, I deserved something positive. And boy did I get it.

First of all, as I exited the house this morning I told hubby I was going to have a positive day. The only thing I could control is my attitude so I said I'd make it a good one. It worked. 

Morning went well and as soon as I returned to my computer after lunch, I received an email from my boy E over at SentryWorld that my golf clubs had arrived! As you recall, I came into a little lump sum of cash after winning a big raffle at school. So I went through the whole fitting process and putting together a set of golf clubs I actually use. 

I was anticipating they'd arrive by my birthday at the end of June. Instead, Christmas came early! 

I happened to scout out a blue-ish bag and that matched the clubs (covers at least) so I picked that up at Dunham's on the way home.

The set I purchased on Facebook marketplace a few years ago did not have the very useful 7 iron. So I'm so happy to have that back in my bag!

Since I've gotten used to and hit my hybrids OK, I now have a 4,-5-, and 6-hybrid in my bag. I'm mostly excited to try the 4-hybrid. I needed that distance club but the one I purchased last year at a sporting goods store was too long for this short golfer. And I never got the hang of it. We'll see how this one works for me!

The timing is perfect as I have golf league Thursday night and can try out everything. They better work – based on my investment! 

The only club I have yet to retain or purchase is my putter. I do have some spare change for that – or could use it on lessons on how to putt. I'll see how tomorrow goes! 

I've been reminded that clubs don't make me a better golfer. But my excitement and confidence level have skyrocketed in one day without even swinging!

Merry Christmas to me! 🏌