Thursday, October 25, 2007

Hakuna Matata

We are counting down the hours now to see the Broadway musical, The Lion King. Tomorrow night, after picking up my sister Rayna (the lion queen) at the airport in Minneapolis, we'll head to the Orpheum Theatre.

We've heard from friends who saw it this summer that it is phenomenal. Incredible costumes and choreography.

Carter has seen a few stage productions through school field trips so he thinks this will be pretty cool -- though he says he's too old to be into The Lion King. He doesn't recall how many times he watched the movie as a "young" boy, singing "Hakuna Matata" around the house!

Last night, to get us in the mood and refresh our memories about the story and songs, we all watched the DVD together. Now we can't wait!

There is no school today or tomorrow so I am home with Carter. This morning I showed him the Web site for The Lion King tour ( so he could get a sneak peek at some of the costumes. They're gorgeous! Right now, this boy who is "too old" for a kid story, is out in the living room watching the DVD again.

I have this sneaking suspicion he's going to enjoy himself Friday night! I think we'll all enjoy being kids at heart. Hakuna Matata!


Anonymous said...

I'm sure the Lion Queen is just as excited as you & Carter - she's really looking forward to the night at the Orpheum


Rayna Delaney said...

Hey! I like that title, "Lion Queen." I love lions & my name means queen. Why have I not thought of that title before... like for personalized license plates or something like that? I have thought of SUN LION, or LION LVR (LOVER), or SUN LVR, but never LION QUEEN. Thanks, Rayna