Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Lost in cyberspace

You'd think we had massive layoffs announced at work yesterday the way people were cleaning their desks. Nothing so drastic -- but dramatic nonetheless in some people's eyes. Thanks to a cable-cutting accident 2 towns away, we were stuck without phone, e-mail or Internet for more than half the day. How does one survive?

The joke was that if a little town like Iola is electronically disconnected from the world, would anybody notice?

I had a little backlog of things to type in so that kept me busy and it was good to cross that off my "to do" list. Most people, though, used the time to clean off their desks -- also on my list!

After seeing productivity skyrocket, I don't doubt the reports and surveys that indicate e-mail and the Internet are time-wasters at work! While I didn't enjoy the inconvenience, I certainly welcomed the break from distractions.

I was mostly upset that my blog and e-mails about Antiques Roadshow were lost in cyberspace until it was too late. That's OK. I caught a glimpse of my dad's head on last night's show and that was it. Now if only I had Tivo and I could play it back for you!

Yep, once in awhile I enjoy my electronic fix! Thankfully, today we are back to normal -- emailing each other rather than walking to a desk and actually talking and, of course, blogging during work hours!

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