Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Power of Pink

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month so every Wednesday we have been encouraged to wear pink at work to boost awareness. As much as I am not a girly girl, I have come to like wearing the color. It's fun. Makes me feel alive!

Behold the power of pink!

I've mentioned before that Carter has this fondness for pink, too. He's always boasting that he's tough enough to wear pink. But I honestly don't know if he likes the color because it's bright and shocking or because it draws attention to him. After witnessing the pink boy in action tonight, I think I know what it is.

It was the Fall Festival tonight at Grant Elementary School. This event takes the place of Halloween parties in the classrooms. Since it's no longer P.C. have these types of parties, they have to create events around the same time period. Kids are encouraged to dress up in Halloween costumes though.

The past two years, Carter has been some sort of Grim Reaper type guy resembling a character from the movie "Scream," which neither Carter nor I have seen. This year, though, he decided to be a little bolder, yet quite simplistic. He just wanted to wear one of his Pink Floyd T-shirts and color his hair pink.

I told him kids his age probably wouldn't understand it, but the teachers would. And that was the case. The adults said "cool" and the kids just liked his pink and orange hair. That was enough for them. And it was certainly enough for one girl to latch on to Carter for much of the time we were there, too! I won't name names but it's the same girl who the day before Carter was just talking about and said, "Remember XXX, the girl who kissed me twice and I sometimes hate?" Yep, that was her.

Behold the power of pink!

Not only was Carter's costume "bolder," he was, too. He basically told me in a nice way to "get lost" so he could just hang out with his friends a little while. I asked what I was supposed to do and he said I could go eat or something. I did go into the cafeteria and thankfully ran into some neighbor moms. Otherwise I would have felt "lost" being banned to the corner of the gymnasium to sit and watch my son grow up (and independent) before my eyes.

Behold the power of pink!

(I'm not sure I always like it.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wish I could find a girl of my own rated XXX! daddy