Friday, October 24, 2008

Birthdays and Bylines

Besides being Mole Day yesterday, it was also my dad's 81st birthday.

I was a bad daughter and didn't get his cards sent until yesterday either. My logical 10-year-old said, "Wouldn't it be quicker if we just drove up there and gave them to him?" Well technically, yes, it would be quicker. But I refrained from telling him an 8-hour round trip in the car would cost significantly more than a few postage stamps. I didn't want him to think they weren't worth it. I said we'd call them and eventually make the trip.

Carter talked to them both first. As usual, when I get on the phone, they say how "grown-up and intelligent" he sounds. I wonder if they say that about me, too, when they get on the phone with the next family member! Quite unlikely.

Despite the fact Dad is old and Mom is recovering from cataract surgery, they were both in good spirits -- mainly because they have suddenly become local celebrities. (Now I regret discontinuing my subscription to the local newspaper.)

Apparently, Dad had his picture in a few weeks ago. I'm still not clear why he was photographed with a local politician, but he was excited about it. My mother had a story published in the history column. Dad says, "Yeah, she wrote about rollerskating and how we met and dated and got married." I asked, "Why is she suddenly writing about you, Dad? Did she fall in love with you again or something?" He said, "It must be the eye surgery." Yep, I'm sure that's it. She can see all his charms once again.

Mom was just thrilled to get published. I was very supportive and congratulatory. I did not mention that bylines do not equal fame and large paychecks. (That's my issue to live with.) I just told her I was proud of her and thanked her for passing along that gene. I'll get her blogging yet! Or at least guest blogging here! I have a feeling my pun-filled mother would fit right in, don't you?

1 comment:

Rayna Delaney said...

"It must be the eye surgery." OMIGOD! Do we kids even have a chance.... to be sane! :) R#1