Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Discovery Channels

We observed Columbus Day yesterday. Not really observed I guess. We opened the mailbox, saw it was empty and said, "Ahh, that's right. It's Columbus Day."

Last night I was helping Carter with social studies and we were reading about Columbus, Leif Eriksson and the Vikings, all living in a time when the Americas were still an "unknown land." We weren't even on the map! Europeans, fearing sea monsters and such (I swear this was in the reading), were too afraid to go beyond their borders and explore. Thank goodness someone finally did.

A few days ago, we learned that the company I work for is "restructuring" -- you know, realigning businesses within the business so they make sense, etc. In a word, this means: CHANGE. Again. I remarked to my boss (perhaps with a note of sarcasm) that it figures I have had the same job for almost a year now so it must be time for a change!

Obviously, to be successful these days, we as a company have to keep evolving to respond to the marketplace, to consumer needs and demands, to the economy. For me, though, it means I am once again in an "unknown land," bordered by the countries of Anxiety, Uncertainty and Excitement. Will I let my fears get the best of me like the Europeans in the 15th century? Or will I find that Viking deep inside (I know in my purple and yellow heart, there's one there) and go exploring this unknown land?

Who knows -- I may discover I want to live there! As is often the case, once I get past the initial trepidation, I survive the transition, embrace the change and wonder how I ever did things any other way. Let's hope this new voyage follows a similar path.

1 comment:

Rayna Delaney said...

However, once your Viking work soul lands in a spot, you end up having to leave in a year and go to another spot. You were born with the wandering, nomad, gypsy spirit of the Viking.....go for it! Like "they" say, "What's one more change in life?"

Who, what, where, when, why and how ..... did they say that?