Thursday, August 10, 2017

Crash and Burn

I didn't have a two-day pass for the state fair but I did take a two-day pass from blogging. That's what happens when you act like a teenager but your 40-something self can't recover like one! Was on a deep-fried high all afternoon Tuesday but that sugar crash later, though. That and lack of sleep was a killer.

Worth it, though. Totally worth it.

My friend Carmen from work and I hit the road at noon-ish Tuesday. We took the route to Milwaukee with the least road construction – according to valid Internet sources. Still, there was enough construction when we were "almost there" to delay our arrival.

We didn't HAVE to be there at a certain time but I wanted to catch my "adopted niece" Megan perform with the KIDS from Wisconsin. That didn't quite work when we saw signs the fair parking lots were full and traffic was directed to park elsewhere and get a shuttle. By the time we figured that out and waited in line to "shuttle," we missed the afternoon performance. Still got to Megan and she said she had an "encore" performance at 6. So all was not lost.

The only thing to do then was, well, eat. Of course.

Not kidding when we saw there was a calorie fest of deep-fried food options as far as the eye could see. We're talking everything from deep-fried bacon-covered tater tots and deep-friend spam curds to deep-fried green beans and deep-friend old fashioneds – because, well, Wisconsin.

My first course was a Unicorn Twinkie. Oh that's just a deep-fried Twinkie with a cotton candy cream center covered with some frosting and sprinkles.

I heard sprinkles mean no calories. So yay, me.

Later, after we walked that off, touring the barns and checking out food options, we opted for what I hoped and prayed would be worth the trip... chocolate-covered cheesecake on a stick.

The answer is yes. Totally worth the drive for that!

We met up with my friend Christine and her niece Allie, who were going to the concert with us and in the same adventurous mode when it came to food. Christine had the very heavy and sweet deep-friend old fashioned. Allie tried the fair favorite creme puffs. Two thumbs up all around.

There's a good chance we were all in a food coma by the time 6 p.m. rolled around and we got to see Megan perform a solo and duet for the KIDS from Wisconsin show.

She did amazing as always. What a treat to see and hear her twice this summer.

After that it was straight to the grandstand and Pentatonix! In a word, it was aca-awesome!

Didn't have great seats but I had my camera with. Still haven't looked at all the pictures yet! The a capella singers are crazy talented and so fun to listen to. Had a really good time.

And the weather was so nice I only needed a $40 t-shirt not a $65 hoodie! Bargain shopper.

Naturally, by the time we exited the concert, caught our shuttle back to the Park & Ride and hit the road, it was after 10:30 p.m.

Yup. You're right. That IS way past my bedtime. It was a long, long drive home. Thankfully, I had someone riding shotgun to keep me awake! By the time I dropped her off and got home it was almost 2 a.m.

I do not know how I ever used to close down saloons and get to work early the next day and function and be productive. I was so tired Wednesday. Hard to recover from lack of sleep and a non-lack of SUGAR. Like a glucose hangover or something. Wow. Needless to say, I was in bed early last night and will be again tonight.

I'm caught up on sleep but hubby and I have had a cold or allergy coughing crap all week so we need to rest it out of our system before the weekend – when we have more food and fun on the agenda.

Maybe balance more fun than food this time.

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