Sunday, August 27, 2017

A Trifle Bummed

My heart may not be broken. But my trifle bowl is.

Yup, the source of magical treats somehow broke in the dishwasher. Even though it is dishwasher-safe and was in the same rack as last time. So yeah, I'm bummed.

I try to alternate using that and my Magic Blue Pan when it comes to inventing treats to please the palates of many. Glad my pan is made of sturdy stuff. But I will be on the lookout for a new or new-to-me replacement trifle bowl.

Other than that drama tonight, it was an OK Sunday. Finally was around and was not sick either so I could go to church! After that I had good intentions of getting lots done since the weather was if-y. Got a third done of what I wanted but they were things that HAD to be done. So I'm making headway.

Would hate to get too much done, want to celebrate and not have a trifle bowl for the extra-special treat.

You know by now I can justify anything. :)

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