Friday, August 25, 2017

Friday Foto Finish

TGIF! Where has the week gone?! I know I have only blogged sporadically but I am crossing the finish line now for the week and can catch you up with some photo highlights (or lowlights?).

Yes, that's me crossing the finish line after the Hustle S'More 5K at the Wisconsin Lions Camp last Saturday. I am used to seeing nothing but white when I am there in the dead of winter for Camp Crop-A-Lot. We did have a beautiful course. Hilly, but beautiful. Since I run slow I can take pictures mid-race and they aren't blurry.

Neighbors Marigene, Mike and me. They medaled in their age groups and I took 4th in mine. So much room for improvement, but still a great time before I drove up north to Pine City, Minnesota, to stay the night with my sister RoAnn and family before going to our niece Beth's baby shower on Sunday.

You'll notice I did not get all the creative genes in my family. They are spread out amongst all of us. The fancy baby carriage...

And Ham Onesies were courtesy of RoAnn. Never thought I'd type or say "ham onesies" in my lifetime, but they were cute!

Not as cute as 8-month-pregnant Beth. What a cute basketball baby bump!

Rest of the week flew by with work, work meetings, food, after-work activities, food, the solar eclipse and food.

Made this birthday treat for a co-worker on Thursday. Layers are chocolate cake, cheesecake pudding (with some food coloring to make it pink) and crushed Carousel crackers.

Yup, those frosting-covered animal crackers. Yum!

Last night I went to the first cross country meet of the season. Assumption has a full middle school girls team and complete high school boys team, plus two middle school boys and one high school girl. Our number one boy runner graduated but we still have plenty who are fleet of foot. Boys ended second as a team by only 7 points. Very good start to the season. The middle school girls were crazy good. They did not give out a team award for middle school, otherwise they would have taken the trophy (by 30-some points)! They'll be fun to watch.

Took some pictures (duh) with my new camera. I love the anguish and determination on faces at the finish line!

The boy in red is trying so hard to pass our Royal runner at the finish.

 And girls are just as competitive! 

And there's me at the finish line for the week!

I am hoping things will take a cue from my running and slow down a bit. I miss writing and, well, sleep.

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