Monday, August 21, 2017

Solar Power

Not sure what the big hulla-balloo about the eclipse was, but I made sure I didn't miss it.

We were only getting a "partial" eclipse here in central Wisconsin. When it was rainy and cloudy at wake-up time I thought we'd be denied seeing anything. But two good things happened. One, the sun came out and it was nice out. Two, someone from work picked up a bunch of pairs of the special SAFE eclipse-viewing glasses and was willing to share.

So we took turns looking like dorks at a 3-D movie as we stared up at the sky and could really see what was happening. All other light was filtered out so you just saw the orange sun and the dark moon.

I had my camera with at work "just in case," so I put the glasses at the end of the lens and snapped a few pictures every 10 minutes or so during prime time. Conveniently close to lunch time but still work interfered with the viewing party on the front lawn.

Got some pictures. Not the greatest, but it's what was happening here.

My brother actually drove down to Nebraska to view the TOTAL eclipse. I don't even know if they had clear skies or rain or what, but I look forward to seeing and hearing about his experience.

Hopefully you all got to see something. And no one has to call in "blind" to work tomorrow.

And hopefully I'll get the Total Eclipse of the Heart song out of my head, too! Turn around, Bright Eyes...

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