Saturday, August 26, 2017

Prelude of Things to Come


Spent the afternoon with friends and family of our nephew and his fiance in advance of their upcoming nuptials – 8 weeks from today!

Since Colin and Amy decided to hold a "couples shower," that meant both men and women were invited instead of the usual bridal shower. Hubby had previously signed up to participate in the Assumption golf scramble we have both done the past several years. I skipped that and took Carter as my date to the shower. Since he is going to be an usher at the wedding, it's sort of his duty anyway.

They had a huge crowd, which is probably a prelude of things to come. The wedding may be a big one but, more importantly, they have a huge network of friends and loved ones to support them on this important journey.

For our part, Jim and I gave them some useful gifts with a side of marital tips. Since Colin races cars and they both run 5K races, I tried to tie that into the gifts and the advice.

1.  Invest in good equipment
Marriage is more like a feature than a heat race. More like a marathon than a 5K. Be prepared for the long haul by properly equipping yourself with an open mind and kind heart.
(Gift: Certificate for Shippy Shoes, which carries the best running shoes!)

2.  Wear protection
Cushion yourself for the rough spots in the road with a firm foundation of love and trust.
(Gift: His and hers running socks)

3.  Stay hydrated
Nourish your relationship with steady communication, support, kind gestures and, occasionally, open ears and a closed mouth.
(Gift: His and hers cute little water bottles for kids actually)

4.  Hit the shower
Make a habit of showering each other with love and attention. Give a hug or pay a compliment for no reason. That’s when your spouse may need it most.
(Gift: Bath and hand towels)

5.  Celebrate
Nothing is as sweet as sharing a win, a good day or a great time. Those “Silky smooth promises” are good to give and receive.
(Gift: Dove milk chocolates with silky smooth promises in each one)

6.  Winner’s circle
At the beginning and end of each day, be thankful for each other and your blessings… just as all of us are grateful for you two!
Ready to begin your adventure?
On your mark. Get set. Go!
(Gift: "Gratitude" kitchen hand towel from their registry)

It was fun to watch their excitement over all the gifts they got. In my opinion, probably a few too many Packer items, but I will not love these two any less. They are good kids.

I mean great grown-ups!

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