Saturday, December 15, 2018

Festive Family Fun

Our Hedberg family Christmas can probably be best described in a few photos.

Raylene and I held it at her church in Falun on Highway 70 between the towns of Siren and Grantsburg. Yes, way Up North.

As a co-host with my twin, I wanted to provide some entertainment so my "project" I was working on was a S-elf-ie Station of sorts. We had a hoot and even my mom got into the spirit.

This was our "serious" pose of us 8 kids. We tried. Really.

Then we tried to lighten it up. I think hubby had to click about a dozen frames to get one where we were all close to being in the "frame."

Yes. We do like to have fun.

We also had a great meal thanks to everyone pitching in. And we did our annual program where each of us "kids" and our families performed something to show off our talents (or talents we pretend to have). Then it was more visiting, eating, and game playing.

We had more than 30 of us but a handful were missing (including our own boys). Still, feel so blessed to have had the time with those who could make it.

Yes, family time is fun. But I'll never take it for granted. They're the best!

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