Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Hunkering Down

When our bones start creaking, there's rain on the way. When kitty crawls into her winter coat, there's a cold snap on the horizon!

She's right, too.

While she hunkers down, we've been hunkering down on creating our travel To Do list. So far Carter has taken his pre-trip language exam – did that online tonight. And I think I have booked his flight. Still processing the booking so I hope it goes through. I got knocked off the internet the first time. If I accidentally get two tickets, I guess he'll have a travel companion. Haha.

That took all evening, though. Especially finding anything resembling a deal this close to takeoff. Wow. It will be a lot cheaper when we go visit (fingers crossed) and can pick our departure day. Uff da.

I  think I'll take a cue from Sylvester and hunker down in the warm bed and not stress about anything.

Cat's are smarter than we give them credit for.

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