Friday, June 7, 2019

There Are Worse Things Than Mosquitoes

I should probably apologize for giving mosquitoes a bad rap the other night. Yes, they are annoying – as proven tonight when they were out in droves at our friends' house – but there are worse things.

We had a gathering tonight with some people I work with, including the host couple who both hubby and I worked with in Iola for a decade before our current stint together. It was warm and sunny and we had a great time visiting, playing yard games (a new one called Kubb), and eating, of course. Oh, and swatting skeeters.

When I got home, I realized I still need another 500 steps to get my 10,000 for the day. So I went outside to take a stroll... and turned into one of the Solid Gold Dancers...

Mosquitoes may be super pests but at least they aren't as gross and disgusting and creepy as June bugs. It's bad enough they look overstuffed wood ticks. But then they make noise when they ping against the screen door. And you can feel them when they dive bomb into you in the night.


Needless to say, I got those final steps in record time. Plus, I performed my own June Bug version of the Jitter Bug. At least the mosquitoes knew to stay out of my way!

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