Thursday, June 27, 2019

Third Time's A Charm

Thanks to a letter from the DMV a few months ago – which I promptly misplaced – I was on the ball this time with getting my driver's license renewed. Or so I thought.

I was glad they sent the letter out because, really, how often do we look at our own driver's license? And when they expire in 8 years, who can keep track of that? So yes, the letter helped. And recent travels out of state where every security checkpoint between here and Mississippi pointed out my birthday (and expiration date) were coming right up.

So I ran over the DMV at lunch on Tuesday (relatively close by). I knew there was some new REAL ID thing that would be required next year – unless you have a passport. So I just brought my license and passport as forms of identification and thought I was on the ball.

Well, the DMV was saying the REAL ID will be much more convenient so if you lose your passport during domestic travel, god forbid, you still have a Homeland Security acceptable ID. He said even now they require it at airports like O'Hare. So I said I'd get that REAL thing instead of my, what, fake DL. Of course, that meant I didn't have proper paperwork. I also needed my legit Social Security card or a W-2 form. So I said I'd be back. Just in case they thought I would procrastinate further, they extended my license expiration date for 60 days. Free of charge.

Got home Tuesday, gathered my paperwork and had it in the car yesterday. But I didn't like my hair, so I decided to wait until today. Still one day before my birthday so I wasn't technically procrastinating.

I went to the DMV in late morning. I decided to travel light and just grab my wallet and not my purse. I don't know why because I never do that. And now I know why...

I get there and all cocky like, I hand over my license and Social Security and a W-2. Then Mr. DMV is like, "OK, I just need your birth certificate or passport then." I look at my useless wallet and realize my stinkin' passport is in my purse... back at the office. Oh fiddlesticks. (Or something like that.) "I'll be back," I said for the second time this week.

A half hour later and on my third trip to the DMV in three days, I had all appropriate documentation, decent hair, and a lengthy but worthwhile wait in the waiting room.

Third time's a charm, I guess. We'll see if I'm any better in 8 years.

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