Sunday, March 15, 2020

Close to Home

Every time I see photo illustrations of the coronavirus, I'm reminded of these suction cup toys for little kids. See what I mean...

Now you can't un-see that, can you? Well, at least it's the only thing I can find funny about it.

Found out tonight we have a confirmed case in south Wood County. Some quick facts: We live in south Wood County. It's not us.

But it gets alarming when it's potentially close to home. And considering we know a lot of people (a lot), it could be somebody we know. Hopefully, they'll be OK. Apparently, the patient was on a cruise recently. Now the county health people have to go through the whole investigative process to identify all the people who may have had contact with this person since their return. Now that's a nightmare. Hoping for a positive (as in good) outcome.

I'll just keep plugging along in my bubble! Be careful out there!

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