Tuesday, March 31, 2020

This is How We Roll

You can't put a price tag on friendship. Or can you? This isn't quite the gift that keeps on giving. But it sure is a priceless one-time-use treasure.

I've noticed a lot of weird stuff fly off shelves during this pandemic, but toilet paper ranks up top. People hoarding it. People fighting over it. And sold out everywhere – even on Amazon, which represents thousands of vendors.

All. Sold. Out.

When hubby managed to snag some at the store last week he said there was a "bouncer" making sure people only took one package per household. I suppose if saloons are closed, the bouncers gotta work somewhere.

Some friends of ours weren't as fortunate. They are running low and were supposed to pick up an order of it at Walmart tonight. They got notice today the order was canceled for some reason. Probably supply and demand. So when I was at the store after work to pick up some K-cups (coffee is essential for this girl), I saw there were some package of TP on the shelf. Say what?

I snapped a photo, sent it to our friend and said they're lucky we love them so much! See, you really can't put a price tag on friendship unless it's the $5.89 they charge for 6 mega rolls. Uff da. Glad we could help!

Meanwhile, in our household, the "bouncer" says to me: "We only have 19 rolls left. You're gonna have to start using both sides."

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how we roll.

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