Monday, March 30, 2020

Neighborly Distancing

For the record, we live in an awesome neighborhood. Social distancing is far from the norm here. And is quite difficult to follow – especially when all the big sweetie doggies walk by and you want to run out and say hi (well, to their owners, too).

But we've been abiding by the rules. Waving at windows if we walk by, just in case our neighbors are peeking out. And we actually thank Mother Nature for keeping the nice days to a minimum or our willpower would surely be tested!

Today was one of those nice days, though. 50-plus degrees. And I gave in. But legally.

Cindy and I learned we can still take walks with friends. We just gotta stick to our own sides of the road! It worked just fine and it was so great to catch up and SOCIALIZE!!

Of course the hard part when I see any of my friends is not getting the hugs "hello" and "goodbye." The power of human contact is so amazing. I miss it. But I'm so lovable I'm sure the germs would just latch on to me!

See why my friends miss me? Haha. I do miss family and friends but am connecting virtually. So out of sight doesn't mean out of mind.

Hopefully the nice weather allows you to get out for today's version of neighborly socializing. We'll all definitely make up for it around the campfire rings this summer, right?

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